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Aldrington CE Primary School

Emotional and Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental health is a state of wellbeing in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community  (World Health Organization, 2014).

 In our school, our Christian vision shapes all we do.

We aim to promote positive emotional and mental health for every member of our staff and all pupils. We pursue this aim using both universal, whole school approaches and specialised, targeted approaches aimed at vulnerable pupils.

In addition to promoting positive emotional and mental health and wellbeing, we aim to recognise and respond to need as it arises. By developing and implementing practical, relevant and effective emotional and mental health and wellbeing policies and procedures, we can promote a safe and stable environment for pupils affected, both directly and indirectly, by emotional and mental health and wellbeing issues.

Emotional and Mental Health and Wellbeing policy - Nov 2022



Whilst all staff have a responsibility to promote the emotional and mental health and wellbeing of pupils, staff with a specific, relevant remit include: 

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) - Headteacher

Deputy DSL – Assistant Headteacher

Deputy DSL - SENDCo

Governor with responsibility for safeguarding

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Lead (including RSE)

Learning Mentor



Verity Coates

Debby Butters

Rosa Griffiths

Clare Lines

Della Robins

Emi Marcou &

Lisa Rummery



Brighton and Hove Wellbeing Team contact informationSchool nurse contact details 2023

Chat Health contact information

Mental Health support in Brighton - list of services and contact details

Emotional and Mental Health and Wellbeing support information and contacts

